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SARRC’s 2019 Community Impact Report


Thanks to our supportive community, SARRC has been able to increase its impact in Arizona, and in some instances, across the U.S. every year. Below, read about some of the notable highlights from across SARRC's programs, services and research departments in 2019.

  • 6,650 people supported through educational outreach events and training programs
  • 36 students enrolled at First Place® Transition Academy operated by SARRC
  • 44 teens with and without autism, together, received pre-employment training in CommunityWorks®
  • 158 children attended SARRC’s inclusive preschool
  • 70 SARRC Employment Partners committed to employing adults with autism
  • 35 infants and their mothers supported through Milestones 
  • 46 young children and 63 family members participated in JumpStart®
  • 100% of SARRC’s adult clients seeking employment, secured meaningful, competitive employment in the community
  • 137 staff from area summer camps supported by SARRC to help build more inclusive programming

Learn more about your impact or attending a SARRC service:

  • Learn more about your impact here »
  • To see what programs SARRC is currently offering, please visit here »
  • Make an online, tax-deductible donation here »


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