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Your Donations at Work

SARRC earns Charity Navigator Four-Star Rating

Charity Navigator is America's premier independent charity evaluator. They help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health and accountability & transparency of America's largest charities. Charity Navigator awarded SARRC four out of a possible four stars.

Receiving four out of a possible four stars indicates that SARRC adheres to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities and consistently executes its mission in a fiscally responsible way.

Please click here to review our four-star rating.

SARRC Awarded Platinum Rating by GuideStar for 2021

SARRC was also awarded a “platinum” rating by GuideStar, a tool for funders showing we are effectively measuring progress and results, as well as demonstrating organizational improvement year over year. Platinum is the highest level of recognition offered by GuideStar.