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SB 1593 Puts Autism Coverage At Risk – YOUR HELP NEEDED! [VIDEO & AUDIO]

SARRC's own Dr. Daniel Openden, Ph.D., BCBA-D discusses the negative impact of the pending SB1593 bill on the Mac and Gaydos show on News Talk 92.3FM on Wednesday afternoon, April 20th.  Listen to the discussion here.

View the video prepared by Autism Speaks that aired on Phoenix TV stations approximately 200 times on April 19th and 20th:



For an additional video from Channel 12 news on April 7th on this issue, see here.

From:           AUTISM SPEAKS                                                                 
                     Rubenstein Communications, Inc.
                     Adam Pockriss Ð 212.843.8286; [email protected]          



Spots will Run on Phoenix Network Affiliates 200 Times on April 19 and 20

Autism Speaks, the nation's largest autism science and advocacy organization, today announced a major, intensive two-day TV ad campaign, running April 19-20, that will call on Governor Jan Brewer to veto a misguided bill that would repeal enacted autism insurance reform legislation and force hundreds of Arizona families to once again pay tens of thousands of dollars a year out-of-pocket for critical autism diagnoses and treatments even though they already have health insurance coverage.
The thirty-second ad, entitled Neighbors, will run nearly 200 times over two days on Phoenix's network TV affiliate stations KNXV-TV (ABC), KPHO-TV (CBS), KSAZ-TV (FOX) and KPNX-TV (NBC).  The ads juxtapose two families who have a child with autism one of whom is getting the treatments he needs because his parents insurance company covers his therapies, and another who isn't because his insurer is not required to provide coverage. The ad calls on viewers to call Governor Brewer and urge her to veto the bill.
Senate Bill 1593 allows employers to purchase health plans outside of Arizona, thereby using plans that do not have to follow Arizona's insurance laws. An amendment to the bill waives Arizona's 32 existing insurance mandates, including the requirement that insurers cover autism treatments. Arizona would become the first state to repeal autism insurance reform legislation.  West Virginia recently became the 25th state to enact such legislation, and several other states have bills pending.

Legislators in 25 states have already taken action to end decades of discrimination by insurance companies against children with autism, and we can't allow the Arizona legislature to stem this significant progress, said Bob Wright, co-founder of Autism Speaks. This proposed law would pull the rug out from under many desperate Arizona families, and it must be vetoed.

This legislation is a slap in the face to thousands of Arizona families who are paying for health insurance coverage, but will be denied the very services they need the most, said Peter Bell, Autism Speaks executive vice president of programs and services. If this legislation becomes law, many families will face impossible decisions  from taking out second and third mortgages to emptying siblings college funds to provide their children with treatments they need and deserve.  Or, they simply may be forced to abandon therapies altogether.  Everyone who is outraged by this legislation should email ( or call Governor Brewer at (602) 542-4331 and tell her to veto this bill immediately.

Arizona's Steven's Law, enacted in 2008, requires insurers to cover up to $50,000 a year for Applied Behavior Analysis therapy for children until age nine, and $25,000 a year for children until age sixteen. It covers therapy for children whose diagnoses reflect the full range of the autism spectrum. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Surgeon General, among others, as an effective, evidence-based treatment for children with autism.

The therapy provided under Steven's law has given hope back to our family and allowed us to look forward to our son being a productive and contributing member of the community someday, said Melissa Shah, a Phoenix parent. My child has been receiving these services for over a year and his development has improved dramatically. Losing this insurance coverage would be catastrophic for him.

In many states, health insurance policies  explicitly exclude coverage of these therapies ,  placing a significant financial burden on families seeking to provide their children with necessary services.   

To learn more about Autism Votes, an initiative of Autism Speaks focused on federal and state legislative advocacy, please visit

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