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Paula and Dan Coleman

Every year, more and more families learn that they have a child with autism. The impact of such a diagnosis can leave them wondering what to do and where to go.

When Paula and Dan Coleman first learned about SARRC, they knew they wanted to support the work the organization was doing in the community.

“We heard Denise Resnik speak when she was recognized as Valley Leadership Woman of the Year,” said Dan. “We were impressed with what she described as SARRC’s work and made a point of meeting her afterward.”

That introduction turned into a tour of SARRC and an invitation to the annual Community Breakfast. As their knowledge grew, so did their involvement. In 2014, Dan joined the Board of Directors.

The Colemans chose not to let their involvement stop there. Having held positions in healthcare, service was, and continues to be, in their DNA. Before they retired, Paula served as a critical care nursing administrator and healthcare consultant and Dan led the John C. Lincoln Health Network in Phoenix as its chief executive officer. Through their years of involvement with SARRC, they began to see the organization through new eyes. As they learned more, they got to know the staff and the volunteers, and they sought to make an impact that would be long-lasting. Joining the Legacy Circle is that impact found.

As more and more families are feeling the impact of autism; as more and more resources and services are needed by and for individuals on the spectrum; as research is still needed to provide the best treatments and the best training, the Legacy Circle meets those needs by providing vital financial support that will continue to serve the community for years to come. The support of Legacy Circle members, such as the Colemans, ensures that SARRC will be viable well into the future.

“We hope that our legacy gift can help SARRC provide its excellent services to more families in this and other communities throughout Arizona,” said Dan.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Legacy Circle member and ensuring the continued vitality and growth of SARRC’s services from one generation to the next, please contact Devin Dye at [email protected] or (602) 218-8183.