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Now Enrolling: Mindfulness-Based Intervention Study for Teens with Autism

photo of dad and tween girl

We are currently recruiting teens (ages 13 to 18) with ASD without intellectual disability (IQ of 70 or above) and at least one parent/caregiver to participate in a study of a mindfulness-based intervention called MINDful Time (Mindfulness-based Intervention for NeuroDiverse teens: Telehealth Instruction, Mobile app Enhanced). Participation is voluntary.

Each family will receive up to $200 in compensation.

Study Will Involve the Following:

  • 1-2 hours virtual intake visit to determine eligibility
  • Virtual group intervention sessions (2-hour sessions that meet weekly for 8 weeks)
  • Up to 4 virtual data collection visits before and after participating in the intervention (1-2 hours each)

Teens and Caregivers Will:

  • Attend an 8-week group telehealth intervention*
  • Learn strategies that may help with the management of stress, anxiety or depression
  • Receive free access to a mindful meditation app (ten percent happier) and asked to use it throughout the study period regularly

*If you do not have access to the internet, our team will provide assistance for those who qualify.

Contact Our Team

To learn more or enroll, please get in touch with our team at 623-473-6303 or [email protected]

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