
Mentor Helps Young Adults Pursue Their Career Aspirations

Mark Metzger

After learning of SARRC through his son’s participation in a program, Mark Metzger decided he wanted to spend part of his retirement helping young adults with autism on their path to independence.
As a volunteer in SARRC's Employment Services Program, Mark provides guidance to young adults with the goal of supporting independent, competitive employment. He has also been helpful in connecting the Employment Partnerships team with area businesses interested in serving as Employment Partners.
When asked his most rewarding part of mentoring, Mark says, “To see these young adults succeed, but it’s just as great to have a conversation and be in the company of young people who want so much to expand their lives and horizons.”

Thank you, Mark, for your incredible commitment to SARRC’s mission and helping to light a bright path for individuals with autism and their families!

Learn more about volunteer opportunities at SARRC at


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