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Easy Access Autism Screening Program

No costs. No appointments. Just Answers.

Typically, the only opportunity for parents to discuss concerns about their child is during a well-visit to their pediatrician. While we still encourage parents to share concerns with their medical providers, now there is another option: SARRC’s Easy Access Autism Screening program. The screening program makes it easier than ever to have your child’s developmental concerns addressed. If you have concerns about your child’s development, an experienced staff member will complete a free screening assessment over the phone in about 10 minutes.

This program is best suited for parents or caregivers of children aged 12–36 months.

Why Screen?

If you have any concerns about your child’s development, observe that they are not achieving milestones that other children are, or notice behaviors that seem out of the ordinary, we recommend scheduling a screening. This screening program offers several benefits:

  • Early intervention is key when it comes to autism.
  • A critical advantage of this new project is that families no longer have to wait for their next pediatrician visit to discuss what could be timely developmental concerns.
  • The time spent on the phone with our staff will be focused on evaluating your concerns and guiding them through their results and next steps.

How Easy Screen Works

Screening is as easy as making a phone call that takes approximately 10-30 minutes, depending on the age of your child and the responses to our questions. There’s no more commitment than that, and thanks to generous funding from the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, there is no cost to families. Parents will speak to an experienced staff member who will rely on a standardized valid procedure to determine if they should seek a formal evaluation.

After completing the screening, our team may recommend you seek a formal diagnostic evaluation for your child. Or, they may recommend that a formal evaluation is not needed. Please note: Participating in this screening does not result in an autism diagnosis.


There is no cost to participate.

Contact Our Team

Schedule your screening by contacting a member of our team at 602.218.8204 or [email protected]

Downloadable Resources

Evaluación De Autismo De Acceso Fácil

Por lo general, la única oportunidad para que los padres hablen sobre las preocupaciones sobre sus hijos es durante la visita al pediatra. Si bien, alentamos a los padres a compartir sus inquietudes con sus proveedores médicos, ahora hay otra opción: La evaluación de autismo de acceso fácil de SARRC. Esta evaluación hace que sea más fácil que nunca abordar las preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de tu hijo. Si tienes inquietudes sobre el desarrollo de tu hijo, un experto completará una evaluación de detección gratuita por teléfono en aproximadamente 10 minutos. Aprende más »

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