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AZ Governor Jan Brewer VETOES SB 1593 – Autism Insurance Coverage Saved!

Today I vetoed Senate Bill 1593.

I am also concerned about risks to our citizens who may be subject to other states regulatory procedures that could leave them with little recourse in the event of mistreatment.  Senate Bill 1593 limits jurisdiction of the Arizona Department of Insurance over out-of-state companies, potentially putting Arizona policyholders at risk.

Governor Janice K. Brewer, SB 1593 Veto Letter, April 28, 2011

Dear Friends,
Yesterday, Governor Janice K. Brewer vetoed SB 1593, essentially protecting insurance coverage for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) under Steven’s Law. 

Today, I ask that we make sure the Governor hears our message of thanks and appreciation. 

I am humbled by the autism community’s solidarity and the unified voice by which we successfully urged the Governor to veto SB 1593.  Please join me again by thanking the Governor in one or all of the following ways:

1)      Post to social media.  Governor Brewer reads comments posted to social media.  We believe several groups may be critical of the Governor’s veto online, so let’s be sure that the majority of online posts are in appreciation.  Here are some places to post:

  a.       Facebook: and

  b.      Arizona Republic:,, , and

  c.        Your own Facebook and Twitter pages/accounts.

2)      Send Governor Brewer a letter.   Please write a note of thanks and mail to the address below.  She appreciates hand-written notes.

                             The Honorable Jan Brewer
                             Governor of Arizona
                             1700 West Washington
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85007 

Yesterday was a big day for the autism community and it would not have been possible without each of you.  Thanking Governor Brewer for vetoing SB 1593 is our final task on this legislation.  Let’s make sure she hears our voices one more time.

Daniel Openden, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Vice President & Clinical Services Director

Click HERE to view the governor’s full veto letter. 

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