Karen and Steve Ewing’s journey with SARRC started in 2019 after their grandson, Owen, was diagnosed with autism.
Soon after, Owen and his parents enrolled in SARRC’s 12-week Parent Training Program, where the family received 12 weeks of individualized support and one-on-one coaching with a clinician.
“Our son and his wife, Sarah, brought Owen to SARRC to enroll in the 12-Week Parent Training Program while waiting to receive services,” Karen says. “The strategies they learned continue to help them today as they continue their involvement in SARRC services.”
The Ewings attended their first Annual Community Breakfast virtually in 2021 where they heard from individuals impacted by SARRC and learned more about SARRC’s programs.
“Our son, Ryan, became an event Table Captain, and we were able to attend our first breakfast virtually. For the past two years, we have been guests at his table,” Steve recalls. “Autism isn’t a one-time occurrence that goes away, and we have had the chance to see Owen achieve so much, and we want him to achieve to the best of his ability throughout his lifetime.”
Since then, Owen has made progress and has flourished at home and in school, and that progress has led the Ewings to join their son in recently pledging their support in the Multiyear Visionary Partner (MVP) giving program.
“We have personally seen the impact SARRC services make, and we want to make sure they have the financial support they need,” Steve says. “We were happy to commit our support to continue services into the future for all those who need it.”
As lifelong Arizona residents, the Ewings’ involvement in the community extends well beyond SARRC. They have both committed time and resources to numerous organizations over the years. Karen most recently served on the board of One Step Beyond, Inc., an organization dedicated to providing programs and services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Steve enjoyed serving on Northern Arizona University’s W. A. Franke College of Business National Advisory Board, helping shape learning experiences and opportunities for tomorrow’s business leaders.
They enjoy an active lifestyle, including adventures with their Labrador retriever, Sadie. Steve enjoys hunting with Sadie, camping, and fishing, as well as snow and water sports. Karen likes to travel and often tags along but is content reading and relaxing on the beach.
Are you interested in making a difference by becoming a SARRC Multiyear Visionary Partner? Learn more here.